Notice of 2021 AGM
Dear Members
I am writing to give you formal notice of the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of Tideway Scullers School to be held on Tuesday 13th July 2021 at 7.00pm. The AGM would normally be held at the Clubhouse, but as we cannot do this again this year, the meeting will be held on Zoom as it was last year. Again we hope to be able to conduct all the AGM business in the zoom meeting and to give all members an opportunity to be involved. We will send an invitation with log in details to the meeting 7 days before and post these details on the members section of the TSS website.
At the AGM the following will be dealt with and the AGM will be asked to resolve as follows:-
To receive the Report of the Club’s Executive Committee;
To consider and approve the Treasurer’s Report, including the accounts for the period 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2021 and the Club’s proposed budget for the period 1 June 2021 to 31 May 2022. These will be forwarded before the meeting;
To elect the Officers of the Club, including the President, Chair, Captain, Treasurer, Secretary, Operations Lead, Club Safety Officer & Head of Boats, Social Media & Communications Lead and Social Secretary. Job Descriptions of these roles are shown at Appendix 3 of the three year plan on the members page of the website. Nominations for all roles should be sent to Fiona Betts, the TSS secretary (, at least 7 days prior to the AGM (by 7pm on 6th July) and will require a proposer and seconder who must have been members for 6 months (please add who will be the proposer and seconder in the email to the TSS secretary and copy them into the email); once received the TSS secretary will post these nominations on an AGM notice board on the TSS website, members section. Password is redandyellow. We will particularly be looking for nominations for the roles of Chair, Captain and Social Secretary so please consider standing for these or for any other role in the Club.
The proposed change to the corporate structure of the Club as advised in the last AGM is still under review and the Presidents committee are reviewing documentation. This has not yet been agreed in a form to be presented to members so in the meantime we need to confirm the continuing Trustees of the Club. These are currently Hugh Williams, Guy Greaves, Rosemary Thom, Claire Macintosh and Chris Williams. The President Kate Grose proposes that the same trustees continue and the trustees have kindly agreed to continue until the proposed restructuring of the Club is effective.
To address any other proposals raised with the TSS Secretary at least 7 days prior to the AGM (by 7pm on 6th July).
It will be difficult for us to have our normal open forum with debates on questions so we would ask that any questions or proposals be emailed to the TSS Secretary 7 days before the meeting. Answers to these questions will either be given in the meeting or posted on the AGM noticeboard on the TSS website before the meeting. Any other proposals members may wish to raise for consideration at the meeting will also be posted on the website. At the meeting there will be an opportunity to ask questions or raise any other points and where possible these will be answered or opened for debate at the end of the meeting but with a time limit of 45 minutes.
We hope that these arrangements are acceptable to all members but if you have any concerns on these please let me know.
With kind regards
Kathryn Hickmott
TSS Chair